F*ck you, and Serbia, you are mentioning it in my house! A Croat lost his mind when a device told him who is best in the world (VIDEO)
Croats amazed and Serbs puzzled after this video
An older man of Croatian origin, living in America, completely lost his temper when he heard who is the best in the world in water polo, which became a sensation on the internet.
In a Croatian family living in America, little girls tried out new device "Amazon Echo", which works like this, you ask it a question and the app Alexa answers.
Grandpa quietly observed while his granddaughters asked questions about sports, and everything was completely fine until the answer to a question came:
- Who is the best in the world in water polo?
Alexa responded, "definitely Serbia", and there was a total chaos.
- F*ck you, and Serbia. Serbia in my home... F*ck whoever created you. It doesn't know anything about Croatia and knows everything about Serbia...
The device ended up broken into pieces...
VIDEO: But, let's remember the nice gesture of the Serbian and Croatian youth, because, not everybody is like that man from the video: