US Senator sends a message to Vucic and Thaci: Leave some room for agreement, the US is there to support it

- The agreement necessary for the bright future of both countries, we are here to support it - Johnson said

Achieving the final agreement between Kosovo and Serbia is necessary, US Senator Ron Johnson said after a meeting with Kosovo President Hashim Thaci, RTK reported.

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- It is always a pleasure to meet President Thaci in Washington. I respect the courage of the President of Kosovo because he is trying to achieve something very difficult and that is a peaceful solution between Serbia and Kosovo. The United States is there to support the agreement - added Senator Johnson.

According to him, President Thaci and Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic should leave room to reach an agreement. 

- The agreement necessary for the bright future of both countries, we are here to support it - Johnson said.

Thaci thanked Senator Johnson for supporting the process, adding that the implementation of this agreement was difficult, but that everything would be easier with US assistance.

- I know this will not be an easy process, but with the support of the United States, Senator Johnson, things can be achieved, they can be concretized, a historic peace agreement can be reached - Thaci said.

( / Tanjug)