"Audi" went wild, he hit the car, and then he crashed into mine with two children in it: Confession of the driver about the terrible crash in Belgrade (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

A chain crash on Branko's Bridge

A car rolled over in the crash of three cars that happened on Branko's Bridge today around 14:00 h. 

There was haze and suddenly a wall, a dead woman in the next car: A terrible testimonies of eyewitnesses of a serious crash near Jagodina (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

The accident happened towards the city, and according to the unofficial information, the drivers who were passing by managed to see that one person was being pulled out of the car.

- This guy in "Audi" was driving like crazy, he first hit a "Citroen", and then be bounced from it and he started flying. He hit my trunk and he rolled over. I was driving two children, they were at the doctor's, we will see how injured they are. The "Audi" driver was without conscience, and I took him outside. He told me after that he was sick before the hit. The driver of "Citroen C5" suffered the most injuries - Dejan Smiljkovic said, the driver of "Alfa Romeo".

There was a big crowd due to the clearing of the road.

The workers of the Parking-Service tried to return the car from the roof to the wheels.
