The mass for Stepinac organized in the European Parliament: Croatian representative immediately boasted with this scandal (PHOTO)
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The European Parliament marked the 20th anniversary of the beatification of Alojzije Stepinac. A mass was held in the EP for Stepinac, even though he is a war criminal, accused of persecuting and converting Serbs in the Independent State of Croatia during the World War II.
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This is not the first time that Stepinac is praised in the European Parliament, bearing in mind that in 2016, the exhibition "Croatian saint cardinal Stepinac" was held.
The mass was led by Secretary General of the EU Bishops' Conference, Dominican Olivije Pokujon, who said in his speech that Stepinac lived in a difficult time in which his reasonableness in making difficult decisions was crucial and closely related to the sacrifice he endured.
Mass was held at the initiative of Croatian lawyer Marijana Petir, who in 2016 organized the exhibition about the life and work of Zagreb Archbishop and Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac.
She boasted on Twitter with this event: "We began this day in the EP with a holy catholic thanksgiving mass for the 20th anniversary of the beatification of Cardinal Alojzije Stepinac - she said.
Croatian MPs Ruza Tomasic and Ivana Maletic were also present.