Uros looks like an ordinary young man, but he survived 50 surgeries, 5 sepsis, 2 wounds, he burned to the bone when he was electrocuted by 25.000 volts (PHOTO)
He has had 40 very difficult surgeries, he lost so much weight that he had only 40 kilos. They told him that he won't be able to lift a single pound, and he is training today
He survived a 25,000-volt electric shock, he was in a coma because he was burnt to the bone, he had 40 severe operations in total anesthesia, got the sepsis five times, he was hit by a car twice and he was wounded by pellets during hunting! All of that happened to Uros Vasic from Jagodina, who is just 30 years old.
In spite of terrible traumas he had in his life, he welcomed the reporters of "Kurir" with a smile and with strong energy that is very rare.
- There is no "I can't". I was 16 when I went fishing with my friend, here on the river Belica, it was April 27th, 2004. While I was returning I carried a graphite fishing rod and there was an explosion on the railway crossing! The 25,000-volt electric current passed through the rod, it lifted me one meter and it dragged me 30 meters. I was burning, my shoe exploded! I was on fire. I was in fell into a deep coma and that is where I lost my memory - Uros recalls the terrible accident.
The fight for his life starts there. The locals thought that the bridge exploded from the force of detonation. They started extinguishing the fire and calling for an ambulance. They transferred him to Cuprija from Jagodina thinking that he is done for and that there is no point in going to Belgrade. However, the ambulance started going, but it broke along the way, with Uros who was in it, in a coma, and they had to wait for another one.
- We arrived at Belgrade around midnight. My face was burnt, my hand, back. My muscles were torn, there were just bones in some places. Luckily, the vital organs were fine. After three days, I woke up from coma to everybody's surprise. I was tied to the bed, in bandages all over. They were even around my eyes, and I couldn't move. One moment changed everything. My body was so much in pain during the first month that it couldn't register what was going on, and then I started feeling the pain you can die from - Uros said, who slept while he was sitting down in the hospital during the first month.
He was in 64 total anesthesia in the following six months, he has had 40 very difficult surgeries, he lost so much weight that he had only 40 kilos. In spite of the terrible bodily traumas, Uros left the hospital on September 24th, 2014 on his own feet. He still didn't finish his treatment, and there are more surgeries in front of him, but he is still waiting for an ideal moment: time, money, and more conditions. And luck of course!
They wanted to cut his arm, but the surgeon didn't show up
The worst was when they told him that they couldn't save the arm and the leg.
After the accident, they scheduled for the amputation of his arm and leg. "How am I supposed to play football?!" Numerous questions for a teenager. They took him to the OR and they gave him total anesthesia. He said goodbye from his arm and leg. When he woke up he asked what was going on. They said the doctor that was supposed to amputate the leg and arm had some emergency and Dr. Zdravko Petkovic came, who said that the arm and leg could be saved - Uros is grateful.
"I will run half-marathon"
The doctors told Uros that he won't be able to lift more than a kilo and he won't be able to function normally. Today, he says that he has more energy than anybody!
- I just keep going forward! I am used to the pain, I endure it 24 hours a day, but when it hurts the most, I go running, to at least give it a reason to hurt. I practice in a gym, I am in a good shape and I plan on running half-marathon - Uros said.
He is currently working in a tourist agency, but he has various ambitions. One of them is to motivate and to hold practices to people who have a disability or who survived through some serious accident.
(Telegraf.co.uk / Kurir)