Our Ana dove and she found a Whale shark: Enormous 5 meter long beast was going straight towards her, and people were screaming and jumping into water (VIDEO)
This type of shark has not been seen in Egypt for the past 10 years
A pleasant summer holiday in Egypt was suddenly interrupted for Serbian tourists for a moment. When she embarked on a trip, which included diving, Ana couldn't even imagine that an uninvited guest would join them. No less than a whale shark!
- Everything was in best order until I heard people screaming and shouting "shark, shark!". I've looked straight and I saw a massive 5-meter long wonder. After the initial shock, I realized that it headed towards me - Ana said to Telegraf.
Although she was panicking, she noticed that no one was going out of the water.
- On the contrary, those who were not stimming started jumping in at that moment, instead of running away. It was a completely unreal situation. Everybody got close to it and they wanted to swim with it. Perhaps there was fear with some of them, but it soon disappeared.
When she realized that she was safe and that it was a harmless species of shark, Ana returned to the water with a camera, wanting to record this incredible moment.
- Locals told me later on that they haven't seen a whale shark in Egypt for 10 years and that there are only a few of them since they are endangered species. I swam with it for some time, I even managed to make a selfie with it - Ana said.
Whale-shark is the largest existing fish species. The largest specimen that has been seen was over 12 meters long. There are claims that specimens were seen which were over 14 meters. Whale-shark is also the largest vertebrate that does not belong to mammals and exists for about 60 million.
They have a long life span and can live up to 70 years. They have a large mouth but they are not dangerous to humans since they are only feeding on plankton.
(Telegraf.co.uk / J.S.)