How many children do we have to lose? "Silence is not the answer": Igor Juric started a campaign for the life sentence for monsters who rape and kill a child
"Silence is not a solution. Protect the children", is the name of a campaign about the need to introduce life sentence
The Tijana Juric Foundation launched a new campaign "Silence is not a solution. Protect children".
The campaign was launched with the aim of reminding the state and drawing the public's attention to the need to impose a sentence of life imprisonment.
The campaign began with the preparation of billboards that will be set up in twenty cities in Serbia in the next month, and the solutions that will be placed on billboards will show the weeping children and slogans "160,000 signatures are not enough?", "How many children do we have to lose?", "Silence is not a solution. Protect children."
- This campaign shouldn't surprise. We already announced that we won't stop until something changes, and to remind you, and to remind you, we are demanding for the criminal law to change by introducing the life sentence for the most serious forms of crimes which had resulted in death of a child, a minor or a pregnant woman - said Igor Juric, founder of Tijana Juric foundation.
The campaign "Silence is not a solution. Protect children" will last until something is changed in favor of children's safety, the statement said.
Apart from billboards, messages and visual solutions for the new campaign will be found on posters, video material, and brochures that will be distributed to the citizens of Serbia.
( / Tanjug)