Croats are escaping out of the country, and the jobs remain empty: Students are saving the employers, and they are being paid 30 percent more than usual
More lucrative jobs are offered to students, such as exterior and interior cleaning of vessels, which is paid from 150 to 250 kunas per hour
Due to the massive outflow of people from Croatia, employers are searching for new workers, so the signs "Workers wanted" could be seen all over the country.
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But that search is often in vain, despite the fact that they are offering good salaries and various other benefits. The rescue for many employers is - students.
WOOD CHOPPING - 50 KUNA (800 dinars - around 7 euros)
Students are offered various jobs: Waiters, cooking, selling, cleaning, packing, delivering, washing... And what can they make there? For example, the profit can be like this: for cleaning and preparing of apartments, with laundry (35kn - 560 din), carpet cleaning, chopping wood, moving and transferring building materials (50kn).
Who wants to work in tourism as a waiter, a receptionist, a beach cleaner, a dishwasher or a maid, they can receive from 18 to 20 kunas per hour, and they have accommodation provided, food and transport. More lucrative jobs are offered to students, such as exterior and interior cleaning of vessels, which is paid from 150 to 250 kunas per hour. However, no one wants to talk about employer offers and hiring students in Student Services in Zagreb and Split. They told us in Zagreb Student Service that no one can respond to our questions, while we were told from Split that everybody who is authorized to answer is on "vacation" or "absent".
Head of the Osijek Student Service Tihomir Milinovic spoke about the experiences with the number and the type of offers employers give and about the engagement of students.
- About the interest of students for the job, the numbers are the same as in previous years. Around 3.500 received their wages by July, which means that many students worked. There are around 7000 to 7500 students that get a job annually, and some of them are on a one-day, two-day or three-day jobs. There are the least of them who work full-time jobs. Occasional, temporary and short-term employment is the core of student's work. Students are interested the most in work that they can work when they don't have to learn. That means, at the end of the week, weekend, or at night. And most of them are working on providing services in trade, hotel industry, hospitality... - Milinovic said.
What is the situation now, during the summer? Are employers seeking for students in Slavonia, or are the students feeling that they are becoming increasingly interesting to employers due to the outflow of people?
- There are a lot of students employed at the seaside already because the employers published adds in February and March, they organized presentations to present their offers to students, the opportunities for income, accommodation, food, and transport. The price list we published is subject to change due to supply and demand, so the employers offer higher wages due to the lack of workforce, and they are up to 30% higher than the previous years. Moving out of Slavonia is affecting us too because we are seeing job offers that are not typical for students. Let's say - in the meat industry.
They are no offered to make sausages or to process meat but to work in warehouses.
- The employers didn't need students to do the jobs of someone who was a regular worker, but many of them left so their spots remained vacant, and the employers are now searching for students - he concludes.
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