"I just reached for the knife. I am so sorry, I still love him very much": This is what transvestite Goran said at the hearing for the murder of Marko Radovic
Goran Abudulov was questioned for the murder of his boyfriend

Goran Abdulov (34), also known as Jovanica Trans, transvestite from Zeleznik, confessed at the hearing with prosecution that he murdered his lover Marko Radovic (24), a student from Bratac near Nevesinje, but he claims that he didn't do on purpose, media from Belgrade finds out from a source close to investigation.
Abdulov said that he is so sorry for killing Marko, but that he had it "over the top" when his boyfriend started kicking him out of the rented apartment in Sevina street in Zemun.
- He said that he saw Marko through the window and that he was drinking champagne and chatting with someone on a computer, and that is why he suspected that he has another girlfriend. He knocked on the door but he immediately started beating him, and that is why he reached for a knife which he was carrying on him - Abdulov said this in the hearing, according to the sources close to the investigation.
He stated that Marko wanted to end a two-year long relationship and he forbade him to come to his place.
- Marko provoked me, he hit me and threw things at me. When he slapped me I reached for the knife, which was on me. I didn't know it was a knife, I just grabbed it and I hit him. I am so sorry for killing Marko, I was in love with him, I still love him so much... - said Abdulov yesterday and he added that he is a chef and that he had love relationships with girls and men.
The Preliminary Court Judge in Belgrade ordered for him to be detained for three months on suspicion that he could repeat the crime in a short period of time, said Bojana Stankovic, a spokeswoman for the High Court in Belgrade.
As she said, the suspect was placed in custody due to the gravity of the offense and the manner of execution, which led to the disturbance of the public.
When he heard that his lover was dead, Goran wanted to commit suicide. His mother Dragica says that Goran placed some cloth in his mouth, and put a bag over his head. He tried to commit suicide.
Acquaintances of Goran Abdulov are shocked by the terrible crime.
- He wasn't hiding that he wants to change his gender and he told me a couple of days ago: "I have to have a surgery". We heard that he was taking hormone therapy for the past 8 months, and his mother said that he was acting like a girl - said an acquaintance of the family Abdulov from Zeleznik.
Goran lived with his mother Dragica in a family apartment on Zeleznik, while his sick brother was placed in a community Health center due to his health conditions.
- They moved into the building in Zeleznik while Goran was still a child. Father Momcilo died seven years ago. Goran sometimes worked, but he often changed his workplace. He said that he went to talk to a psychologist and other experts before his decision to change his gender and that he later took hormone therapy - said Goran's acquaintance.
Psychologist Dr. Radomir Colakovic says that jealousy could be the problem in this case and that the love problem was settled with destruction.
- Transvestites love the same way as we do. They experience loss the same way. They solve love conflicts the same way as everybody else. The breaking of relationship is not the problem, hormones didn't lead to the murder. They have male genitalia in the female body. They are not cases for psychiatry. Transvestites are what they are, independent from their genitals. Some research shows that their brain structures could be the cause of the problems they have. They could even suffer from transphobias which could additionally complicate their lives - explains Colakovic.
They said in Goran's street that he dressed as a man during the day, and as a woman during the night.
- We were surprised that night when the police came. First, they charged into the wrong apartment, and then to the ground floor, where Goran was located. The police came to him before when he bought a stolen phone. We are very sorry for his mother, she is sick and she goes to therapies - Goran's closest neighbors said.
- You wouldn't be able to recognize him when he dresses up as a girl. He is beautiful, but up close, you could see that he was a man due to his cheekbones. He was wearing makeup and a blond wig - the residents of Goran's street said.
(Telegraf.co.uk / Alo)