A man from Belgrade was caught with 14.7 blood alcohol level: He broke the world record, no one knows how he survived, and it was all because of a woman
Engineer (43) from Belgrade had 14.7 per mille of alcohol in his blood, which was never recorded before, according to the doctors
An engineer from Belgrade (43) became the man with the highest blood alcohol level ever recorded! On December 31st, before the New Year's Eve, he was brought to the Military Medical Academy, where his blood-alcohol level was measured and he had 14.7 per mille, and he managed to survive somehow, the Dr. Dragan Joksovic said.
This man from Belgrade, an absolute medical phenomenon, made it out with the great effort by doctors and he is still alive and healthy. When he woke up the next day, he admitted that he drank four liters of whiskey, and only because he was arguing with his wife, "Informer" writes.
According to Dragan Joksovic, this world record holder is a really big man, he is almost 2 meters tall and he has 150 kilos, so the personnel barely managed to put him on the stretcher
- It was New Year's eve, and an Ambulance drove a man who was in an alcohol-induced coma. I remember that the man was really corpulent, and when we barely placed him on the stretcher we had to add the part of the legs. When I saw that the patient was dead drunk and in a deep coma, I stayed next to him the entire night and I monitored the results - Dr. Joksimovic said.
- Sometime before the morning, when the patient already woke up from a coma, my colleagues came to ask if he was alive. I told them that he was already speaking, and they brought the results from the analysis and it said the incredible 14.7 per mille. I asked if they were certain, and they said that the test was done 3 times. It showed the same each time. It was a medical phenomenon that was never recorded before, an absolute record. Most of the people would have been already dead with a lot less alcohol level than this - he added.
When he completely woke up, the man from Belgrade revealed what made him drink so much.
- As he told us, his wife annoyed him while they were discussing where to go for the New Year's eve, and he started drinking whiskey aggressively, one after the other. In just a few hours he drank four bottles of whiskey. Besides all of that, he is a chronic alcoholic, who drinks each day, and his body is used to all of that alcohol - Joksovic mentioned.
Joksovic explained that it takes weeks to process all of the alcohol in the worst cases.
- A body of an average man processes around 0.02 per mille, which means that one needs up to 50 hours for one per mille. Imagine the amount it takes with extreme cases. Sometimes it takes weeks for the organism to fight all of that alcohol - Joksovic explains.
- Romanians told me that their record was broken since they had a man who had 11 per mille and they thought it was impossible to measure more than that. When I confirmed that our man had 14.7 and that he survived, they were stunned - Dr. Joksovic said.
Famous hepatologist prof. Dr. Radmila Jesic explained that this man must have an extremely high tolerance to alcohol because he drinks every day, but also warns that the liver is likely to be in a very bad shape, and if he doesn't make some radical changes, he won't live long.