Snow in May is old news: Slovenia became white in the middle of June, temperatures just like winter (VIDEO)
Kredarica is a mountaintop in the Julian Alps in Slovenia
Although the summer has arrived, the temperatures all across the Balkans are lower than the usual for this time of year, and the snow fell on the mountaintop Kredarica in Slovenia this morning.
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The objects and nature that are located at 2.515 meters altitude are completely white, reports
The highest temperature on Kredarica was taken on July 27th, 1983 and it was 21.6 degrees, and the lowest on January 7th, 1985, when it was minus 28.3 degrees.
Two degrees above zero were recorded this morning on Bjelasnica, in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Watch the video:
Video: A crazy man running intentionally to get hit by a car
( / Tanjug)