An explosive device thrown in the house of Serbian returnees: They set the stables on fire while the owners were visiting children in Serbia
Another proof that there are strong forces in Croatia that are hateful to Serbs and who cannot reconcile with the fact that some small number of Serbs live in Krajina region, who don't want to give up their identity
The houses and stables of Serbian returnees Dusan and Mara Novakovic in the village Zalucnica, near Otocac in Croatia, were set on fire while they were in Serbia, the president of the Alliance of Serbs from the region, Miodrag Linta said today.
Sharply condemning this vandalism, Linta states that this happened while Dusan and Mara Novakovic were visiting their children in the village of Hrtkovci in Serbia.
- After returning to the village on Sunday, May 20th, they saw a terrific sight. In addition to the burnt stables, an explosive device was thrown into their house, where furniture and the other appliances were completely burnt - Linta said.
In his statement, he said that this was another proof that there are strong forces in Croatia that are hateful to Serbs and who cannot reconcile with the fact that some small number of Serbs live in Krajina region, who don't want to give up their identity.
Linta invited Croatian President Kolin Grabar Kitarovic and Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic to publicly condemn the destruction of Dusan and Mara Novakovic's property and to ask the competent authorities to find and punish the perpetrators of this vandalism as soon as possible.
- If Grabar Kitarovic and Plenkovic don't condemn publicly the burning of the property of Dusan and Mara Novakovic, that will be an encouragement to the pro-Ustasha forces to continue organized violence towards remaining Serbs in Croatia - Linta said and marked that 518 residents lived in the village of Zaluznica, by the census from 1991, and 500 of those people were Serbs.
VIDEO: Footage of demolished houses in the landslide in Croatia
( / Tanjug / Photo-illustration)