Vuk is the best young physicist and student of Oxford: You will be delighted when you see what he did with scholarship money (PHOTO)
This talented boy is the pride of this country
He got his first medal when he was a six-year-old, a paper medal, in the knowledge quiz. He won medals in football and chess, and the most serious award came on the republic competition from physics, in the eighth grade.
Since then, young Vuk Radovic (20) from Belgrade has listed 24 medals and awards in his outstanding biography on domestic and international competitions and Olympiads in physics, astronomy, and astrophysics. And the newest one recently arrived from one foundation and company, when he came first in the category Education and Science - high school students and undergraduate students and he received 100.000 dinars (846 euros).
He is a student of the first year of the Faculty of Physics at the University of Belgrade and is currently in the UK at Oxford, where he spends six months a year on a four-year program of elementary and master physics studies.
He reveals in his "Stories with soul" that he wanted to create a shelf where he would place all of his awards, however, they will be placed in a wardrobe in the living room of his family apartment until he makes it.
- I was very surprised and confused when I was told that I will receive the reward Youth heroes. I wasn't hoping for it because of the high age level of students - Vuk was sincere.
What is his life in England like.
- Last third of the first year is ongoing and the exams are all placed here. That is why I have been studying in the past few days. I often go to popular lectures and presentations of the greatest technology companies during the school year besides the obligatory practices and lectures. I mostly read in my free time, I run, and I hang out with the rest of the students from Serbia - Vuk said who is a younger associate at the physics seminar to his colleagues in the research station Petnica.
His obligations dictate his free time.
- My work is "Quantum chaos in transition phases" and it should be published this year in the next edition of the Petnica paper. I worked with my mentor Dr. Djordje Radicevic who is currently working on one of the most prestigious universities for Theoretical Physics in the world, Perimeter in Canada. I was in Petnica during all four years of high school, and at the end of the third year I participated in the program of Summer science school as a younger associate - Vuk said.
This talented young man receives a scholarship of Ministry of Education ever since he was the second grade in high school, and he received awards three times from the Dositej fund and from the Ministry of Sport. He mentions SANU in his story which organizes the reception and awards every year for the people who won medals on Olympiads and the foundation Euro for knowledge and he received their scholarship. He received funds from the Foundation for young talents of the Belgrade city in the last year of his high school.
- On the proposal of the President of the National Astronomical Committee, Dr. Sonja Vidojevic, I applied for the competition of the Fund for Young Talents of the City of Belgrade. I got the money to buy the telescope I used to prepare for a competition from astronomy. When I graduated from school and when I finished my competitions I gifted the telescope to the Association of Astronomers of Serbia for the future competitors. The practical part is the greatest problem for our participants on international Olympiads, precisely because of the lack of equipment in Serbia, so I hope that I managed to contribute in this way to solve the problem - he was honest.
He started to get interested in physics and astronomy at the end of elementary school. He believes that it was just a competitive spirit that attracted him to it, but later on, he was introduced with the modern physics, and he realized that he wanted to do that in his life.
- I had the greatest support from absolutely everybody, starting from my family to my friends and professors. However, I would like to emphasize the influence of my older friends from the Mathematical Gymnasium who have been through everything I am going right now and whose advice meant the most - Vuk said for "Stories with soul", who manages to have time to talk with younger contestants and to work with them on preparing them.
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