Serb and a Macedonian arrested at a border: They tried to smuggle antique coins and artifacts which are priceless

During the search, 20 antique coins and one antique button were found with the Serbian citizen S.G.

Macedonian M.J. (51), who lives in Viena, and Serbian S.G. (47) from the village Marvinci close to Valandovo at the south-east of the country were arrested at the border crossing Tabanovce when they attempted to smuggle antique coins and artifacts which are priceless from Macedonia.

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During the search, 20 antique coins and one antique button were found with the Serbian citizen S.G., while 47 Roman coins and other archaeological artifacts (one ring, bracelet, 20 coins, metal ethnological roulette, three metal brochures...) in the car Volvo with Austrian license plates, owned by the Macedonian.

The police arrested the men four days ago.

Experts and archaeologists were called who determined that those are priceless objects, they announced from the police.

Police officials in Strumica conducted a search of the house of the Serbian citizen S.G. in the village Marvinci near Valandovo. They found several old coins and other objects, as well as two kg of the unknown plant-based substance, which were sent to the analysis. 

The Kumanovo police filed a criminal complaint against the two smugglers for "taking the goods out of the country which are under temporary protection, cultural heritage or natural rarities".

VIDEO: Eight Serbs and a Croat grew marijuana in Spain

( / D.J.)