Serbian victory! Kosovo state symbols removed from EU

The Serbian Mission sent a note to Lambert regarding the use of state symbols of Kosovo at the event in Brussels within the Enlargement Day

All the symbols and the markings which represented Kosovo as a state in Brussels were removed in the Region Committee, it was told to the Beta agency in that part of the EU.

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A member of the EU Committee of the Regions said that this was done after the Serbian Mission to the EU sent a note of protest to the President of that EU body, Karl-Heinz Lambert, demanding to remove all symbols marking Kosovo as a state.

He told the Beta agency that the EU Committee of the Regions fully adheres to the status-neutral position regarding Kosovo, bearing in mind that five EU member states do not recognize Kosovo's independence.

The Serbian Mission sent a note to Lambert regarding the use of state symbols of Kosovo at the event in Brussels within the Enlargement Day.

( / Beta)