Serbia officially prohibits the use of plastic bags
The maximum annual consumption of bags will be limited to 90 per person by the end of 2019
Serbia will ban the use of thin plastic bags and introduce a mandatory payment for biodegradable bags, announced the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
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According to Politika, that ministry will apply all the measures of the recently adopted Directive on plastics, although Serbia is not the member of the EU.
According to the Directive from February this year, the maximum annual consumption of bags will be limited to 90 per person by the end of 2019.
- We have a constant communication with large retail chains, as well as non-governmental sector, to affect the development of the environmental awareness of citizens regarding this issue - they said in the Ministry of Environmental Protection.
According to the unofficial estimates of the trade sector, around 20 million euros are spent annually to purchase plastic bags, and citizens on average spend seven bags a day.
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