Parents in Republika Srpska were fined for refusing to vaccinate their child! The penalty is the smallest and it is absurd

Despite an increase in the number of patients and even 12 deaths in Serbia, many parents still do not want to vaccinate children

The court has issued the first monetary penalty in Republika Srpska for parents who refuse to vaccinate their child, and it is around 6.000 dinars (50 euros). According to the spokeswoman of the Republic Administration for Inspection Affairs, Dusanka Makivic, the parents are from the are of Herzegovina and the court has issued the lowest sentence prescribed by law. The highest sentence is around 60.000 dinars (500 euros).

Serbia - 12 dead from measles, Czech Republic - 12 sick in February: What are the penalties for unscrupulous parents and how does the anti-vaccine lobby work? (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

Health inspectors of the Republika Srpska filed requests to initiate a misdemeanor procedure against four parents who opposed the vaccination, and one has already received the epilogue, reports

- When the law on protection of citizens came into force, which regulates the mandatory immunization, several health centers provided data on parents who refused the vaccination of children to the health inspectorate. Based on the information provided, health inspectors have invited parents to clarify do they still refuse the vaccination, and they are pointed to the risks of non-vaccination, as well as the monetary penalties the law prescribes. More than 50 parents were invited so far. A certain number of parents has vaccinated the children in the meantime, some asked for additional time due to the current health state of the child, and little children completely refused vaccination - Makivic said.

According to this portal, the last even in East Sarajevo, where the epidemics of measles was declared last week, as well as in Serbia and Montenegro, is just a consequence of parents who refuse MMR vaccination. 

According to Banja Luka's pediatricians, despite the increase in the number of patients and even 12 deaths in Serbia, many parents still do not want to vaccinate children. Doctors said that a large number of parents do not want their children to get revaccinated with MMR vaccine.

- The parents ignore the fact that diseases which "no longer exist",  haven't been in these areas for decades precisely because of the calendar for vaccination which was respected. Sadly, people don't listen to the science, but they listen to the media stars, conspiracy theorists, so we have the situation when illnesses that were exterminated, returned, and they can cause serious consequences, even death - the pediatricians warn.

According to the report on the conducted vaccination in RS for 2017, the number of people who were vaccinated with MMR vaccine is higher by 10 percent than in 2016.


- MMR vaccine against measles (smallpox), mumps, and rubella. It is against sicknesses caused by viruses, and there is no effective cure for them, which can cause serious consequences. Smallpox can cause pneumonia, brain inflammation, blindness, even death. Mumps can cause meningitis, deafness and testicle inflammation. Rubella can also cause brain inflammation or serious anomalies in unborn babies - Milka Mrdja said, the spokeswoman of the Institute for the Public health of Republika Srpska.

She pointed out that children are not vaccinated only if there are permanent contraindications for the use of some vaccine or temporarily if there is an acute infectious disease. Therefore, Mrdja said, individuals who refuse vaccination should think about those with a weakened immune system that can't get the vaccine because they are protected by the collective immunity.

On statements that the countries like Austria, Great Britain, Germany, Canada or Sweeden don't have mandatory vaccination and that they don't have epidemics, Mrdja said that there isn't clearly defining obligation by law in those countries, but children in those states, when they start going to the kindergarten or school, they must have confirmation that they received certain vaccines.

- The percentage of vaccinated people in those countries is over 90%, That is why our recommendation to parents is not to hesitate but to vaccinate their children according to the calendar because everything else is not for the benefit of their children - Mrdja said.

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