Sexy girl was amazed while she commented on Jokic's moves (VIDEO) (PHOTO)
Women are also crazy after the Serbian Basketball player
Not only the male part of the population, most of them in the basketball halls, are obsessed with the skills of Nikola Jokic.
Girls are also watching Serbian basketball player, they see that the man from Sombor has skills with handling balls.
We found a video on the internet published by the girl under the name "Bomb Jahlaam", and she is in the music business, she already recorded some songs which you can listen on her Instagram, and we find her interesting because she tried to be a sports commentator.
She commented on the moves of our Nikola Jokic, and some of them amazed her so much that she opened her mouth in some moments in disbelief.
- Hi, I named this video "Nikola, the distributor", I like how Nikola plays, he is great, and so this video is dedicated to him - she gave a quick introduction, and then she started commenting on his moves.
Watch her video: