Important news coming to Belgrade from Tirana: Juncker in Serbia on joining the European Union, there are whispers about the dates

The President of the European Commission, together with Commissioner Johannes Hahn, will arrive today in Belgrade, where they will talk with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic

European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker said in Tirana that the countries of the Western Balkans should look at 2025 as the date when any of them could join the EU, provided that they met the membership criteria.

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Juncker, who is staying in Albania during an official visit to the Western Balkans, said that 2025 was "a possible date for joining" in the EU for all countries of the Western Balkans and not just for the favorites, Reuters reports.

- Contrary to what we read everywhere, the Commission and I have not said that Serbia and Montenegro will necessarily become EU members in 2025 - Juncker told reporters in Tirana.

He added that 2025 is the date for joining the EU "open to all candidate countries" - Reuters said.

- We will act in such a way that the EU recognizes the efforts if the candidate fulfills all the criteria for membership until then, or sooner or later- said Junker at a press conference.

Reuters reminds that Serbia and Montenegro are seen as favorites for joining the EU and that Albania and Macedonia expect to get a "green light" in order to start accession negotiations with the Union in June. 

Prior to Albania, Juncker was staying in Macedonia, where he started the tour in Western Balkans.

The President of the European Commission, together with Commissioner Johannes Hahn, will arrive today in Belgrade, where they will talk with the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vucic.

( / Tanjug)