Young mother from Jagodina delivered a baby with the help of a neighbor in the house: She was a mother for a few minutes, and that right was taken away from her

- They don't have any conditions for that children. Very sad - Mira Ristic said, who helped the mother deliver the baby

Social Welfare Center in Jagodina decided to give the baby to the foster family, which was born three days ago in a house in a village Topola near Jagodina when a mother gave birth herself, and the neighbor managed to cut the Umbilical cord. The older child of this mother is also in the foster family.

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- It is a mother, who according to the estimates of the Welfare social center, can't take care of the child, which was also the case with her first baby. She lives alone, she is around 20 years old, and the three-year-old boy was already given to the foster family. The mother and the baby are currently in the Jagodina nursery department - the head of the Social Welfare center in Jagodina, Biserka Jakovljevic said for the Infocentral portal.

The mother and her born baby got to public last Friday when doctors and medical staff or emergency help of Health Center published a photo on a social network of a baby born in a house.

The woman who happened to be in the village and a grandma of five grandchildren, Mira Ristic, cut the umbilical cord, heated and took care of the baby until the ambulance arrived.

- I love medicine, I always read a lot, and I often read that someone gave birth to a baby in a taxi, on a bus, and someone helped who was there at the moment. It's not that big deal. That is somehow general culture, that kind of information, but it is humane after all and human empathy. I was sorry for the child when I wrapped her in the jacket, I carried her until the ambulance arrived. I didn't touch the mother. It was a beautiful girl, lovely baby. I don't know what will happen to her, considering that one baby from that family was given to adoption. They have no conditions to raise those children. It is very sad - Mira Ristic said.

( / photo: illustration)