Three fingers, then two: Croats and Serbs sang together with Tompson songs on Jahorina (VIDEO)

They prefer songs to war hatchets from the past

Serbs and Croats in harmony. They forgot about their war hatchets from the past on Jahorina, and they enjoyed the marvels of this winter beauty.

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A group of Serbs and Croats showed unusual brotherhood and they sang together Tompson's song "You are so beautiful"... 

"Oh mountain, you are so beautiful, Slavonia, you are golden, Herzeg- Bosnia, proud heart of Dalmatia, my sea, one soul and the two of us, Greetings Lika, the beauty of Velebit, you are so beautiful..." words of the song they sang with accordion.

All of this was spiced with greetings with three and two fingers, which are characteristic of two nations.

Watch the video: 
