Macedonians love Serbia, Bulgaria, and Turkey: They have a negative opinion about Kosovo, Albania, and Greece
They have the most positive opinion of Germany and the Netherlands
Most citizens of Macedonia have a positive opinion of Serbia and Bulgaria, and negative for Kosovo, Albania and Greece, shows the poll of the Institute for Political Research in Skopje (IPIS).
Espana - Kosovo - EU - NO PASARAN: Strong message on a "Serbian Western Wall" (PHOTO)
According to the results of the telephone survey, as reported today by the MIA, 42.3 percent of the respondents answered that there was a lot of positive opinion about Serbia, and partially positive, 28.7 percent.
25.8 percent has a very positive opinion on Bulgaria, and partially positive 30.7 percent of the citizens surveyed.
According to the MIA, 33.3 percent of respondents expressed a lot of negative opinions about Kosovo, and somewhat negative 22.4 percent. There is a lot of negative opinions about Greece with 28.7 percent of respondents, and somewhat negative for 24.7 percent.
When it comes to Albania, 32.8 respondents have a lot of negative opinions and partially negative 19 percent.
Of the other countries in the world, Macedonian citizens have the most positive opinion about Germany, the Netherlands, and the most negative about the United States and Russia.
They are positively inclined towards Turkey.
Most of the respondents (54.5%) see Greece, the US, and Kosovo as the biggest threat to Macedonia.
1.114 adult citizens took part in the telephone survey conducted from December 16 to 21.
( / Tanjug)