Man from Belgrade defended his thesis in national clothes, and he repeated everything for his master thesis: Filip is the man from the Faculty of Law (PHOTO)

- The motives are the same, I think that our people, but also every nation in the world lives in eternity through the preservation of their culture, customs, and traditions - said a worthy young man who thrilled professors and colleagues and deservedly got a grade of 10

Filip Zivanovic (25) is known as a student of the Faculty of Law who defended his bachelor's thesis, and now he did it again on master's thesis.

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In folk pants, knitted socks, waistband, waistcoat, a shirt with a lace and a sajkaca on his head, he stood proudly before his colleagues again, but also before the members of the expert commission.

- I had the first exam on master's in the field of transport insurance and I took it two years ago, on the same day when I took the diploma for basic studies. I defended the work "Terrorism as a risk in transport insurance" with Prof. Natasa Petrovic Tomic and Mirko Vasiljevic in early December 2016, but the diploma officially arrived this Saturday, January 27th - explained this young man, who above all respects the spirit of the Serbian of the people.

Filip adds that this wardrobe is merely a "display" of what he carries in his heart and soul.

- Re-arrival in the costume is a natural continuation in relation to the ceremony two years ago, but in the meantime, I managed to buy the clothes. And the motives are the same, I am guided by the thought that our people, but also every nation in the world live in eternity through the preservation of their culture, customs, and tradition. I really think that such ceremonies, such as the awarding of a diploma, but also the wedding, the celebration of patron saint and the like, that is, all those occasions in which people gather for some good occasion, are ideal moments to show awareness through the costume of the preservation of something that does not live in the past, but what is impassable and what can and must have its place in the 21st century, the century of postmodernism - explains the master of law.

According to him, the reactions of all participants were positive.

- Professor Djurdjevic told me that his father received a diploma in the same way, and his colleagues promised that they will come in national clothes when they defend their work - concluded this worthy young man, who got the well-deserved grade 10.

( / S.I.)