Terrible consequences of the earthquake in Montenegro: Old houses collapsed, families had to move out, Macedonia was shaking today (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

The president of Plav municipality, Orhan Sahmanovic, said for Montenegro tv that dozen of families are looking for alternative accommodation because their homes are no longer safe

At least 70 objects were damaged in the earthquake that struck the area of Plav yesterday in Montenegro and 10 families moved out. Local protection and rescue services told RTCG that facades and chimnies cracked on older houses.

A strong earthquake shook Montenegro, it was felt in Belgrade! People in panic, they rushed out to the streets!

The president of Plav municipality, Orhan Sahmanovic, said for Montenegro tv that dozen of families are looking for alternative accommodation because their homes are no longer safe.

- I believe that we will fix all damages on existing objects in cooperation with the government. A lot of citizens are poor in Plav, there are few of them who can afford renovation of the home. We will try to help the ones who are in most danger - said Sahmanovic for TVCG.

He said that there were 11 smaller earthquakes after the strongest one, rtcg.me writes.

- People called from 120 houses. Prime Minister Dusko Markovic called me personally and offered help. We will open two bank accounts so the citizens can help. All of the help by the municipality will be published it at the website of the municipality - he said.

The Ministry of Internal affairs has announced that representatives of the Emergency Directorate and the Police Directorate are acting at the scene in several municipalities in the north of the country to collect information about the possible damage caused by the earthquake, together with representatives of local self-government.

- So far there is no information if the earthquake caused any human loses - the ministry announced.

Montenegrin prime minister Dusko Markovic announced that the government will help all citizens in danger.

- Government and I as the prime minister will stand with the citizens of Plav, Gusinj, Andrijevica, and Berane, and we will help them in fixing the damage from the earthquake that struck these municipalities - he said.

The president of the municipality Gusinje, Anela Cekic, said for TVCG that they visited the area struck by the earthquake and they saw the damage on the houses.

- The Commission will make a detailed report, determine the damage and help our citizens - Cekic said for rtcg.me.

The seismology department of the Institute for Hydrometeorology and Seismology registered the earthquake at 11 hours and 46 minutes, with the epicenter seven kilometers northwest of Plava.

Head of the Protection and Rescue Service Mirza Medunjanin told the RTCG portal that the Municipal Emergency Team had held a meeting, stating that there were no life threatened citizens.

- We received most of the calls for damage. A lot of facades and roofs were damaged, especially on older houses - he said.

The Transport Directorate removed a mudslide from the road at the location of Sucesak, between Andrijevica and Plava, Sputnjik reports.

- We urge citizens not to panic and that all available resources of the Directorate for Emergency Situation and other Protection Systems are at their disposal, and if necessary, they will be engaged to the extent and capacity required by the conditions on the field - Ministry of Internal Affairs announced.

The earthquake was recorded in Serbia, Montenegro, and Albania. It was felt in Belgrade. The quake was also felt in southwest Serbia.

Earthquake in Macedonia

The earthquake was recorded this morning at the southeast of Macedonia in the municipality Dojran, it was 3.3 degrees on Richter scale.

Based on the data of the Observatory at the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, the earthquake happened early this morning, somewhat after 4 AM.
