The divers placed a Christmas tree in Lake Ohrid as a support for the children with rare diseases: They were the first who did the countdown into 2018 (VIDEO)
The view is magical, and everybody who passes by their house is stopping before thousands of colorful light bulbs, lamps, figurines of Santa, raindeers, snowman
10 divers from the divers club "Amfora" and the club of underwater activities - "Ohrid", in cooperation with the Alliance for Underwater Activities of Macedonia, were the first who did the countdown into the new 2018 with the decorated Christmas tree at the Bones Bay in the freezing water of Lake Ohrid.
The tree, which can be seen from the surface of the lake, was placed at the depth of around four meters as support for the children with rare diseases.
The divers treated themselves with champagne underwater, and on the surface, Santa gave gifts to the youngest members of the divers club.
The New Year's atmosphere is felt in the entire city and the real New Year's fairytale is located in the front yard of the family Gigery in the Ohrid suburb Crnogorci.
The view is magical, and everybody who passes by their house is stopping before thousands of colorful light bulbs, lamps, figurines of Santa, raindeers, snowman...
That is a home of Ivanka, who came from Tetovo and of her husband Brune Giger from Switzerland.
They bought most of the new year's decorations, and they made a good part of it themselves.
Watch the videos:
( / D.J.)