VESELIN JEVROSIMOVIC: The artificial intelligence will become even more advanced in 2018
- Artificial intelligence was one of the keywords in the IT industry in the year we are slowly leaving behind, so the next one could be completely marked by various applications of computer skills to learn, recognize faces and objects, read, write and talk - wrote Veselin Jevrosimovic
Veselin Jevrosimovic wrote in his column this week about the way in which artificial intelligence and intelligent machines will change 2018. Here's what Comtrade president says about the topic.
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"In the previous text, I started a story about technological trends that, according to everything we know at this time, could mark the year 2018.
I said that the amount of data produced by the human race is growing and that growth will continue, with further acceleration that will make progress on the Internet. We will all have to filter, provide and process some of this information, which will surely bring forth new data exchange models and more powerful machines for their processing.
One way to deal with the complexity and speed of the modern world can be partially bypassing information filtering by intelligent machines. Artificial intelligence was one of the keywords in the IT industry in the year we are slowly leaving behind, so the next one could be completely marked by various applications of computer skills to learn, recognize faces and objects, read, write and talk. This progress will just allow the previous trends I have mentioned - a large amount of processing data, associated smart devices, and the enormous processing power that mankind has.
Of course, more than in any other technological branch, there are numerous ethical, sociological and philosophical questions around artificial intelligence - from whether machinery should take ownership of intellectual property, through the definition of computer-generated works of art, to an increasing degree of concern for the survival of people who could be obsolete to computers.
Artificial intelligence means much more automation, and we will also see that in 2018. I wrote about the new era recently, popularly called "Industrialization 4.0".
The full swing of this change could come in the next few years, with many business models and almost every stage in the process of planning, production, and distribution of goods and services will change from the root. There is also a real danger here that machines can replace many jobs.
On the other hand, more and more new jobs are emerging on a daily basis, so people need to understand the need for computer literacy, additional training, and development of new skills.
We can be afraid of change, and we can accept them, adapt to them, and take advantage of them.
( / source: Informer)