The passenger brutally beat the public transport ticket controller: He fell down to the ground from the force of the impact and blood started pouring out
The controller was transported to the Military Medical Academy, where all necessary diagnostic was performed and he was diagnosed with the broken nose bone
The controller of public transport "BusPlus" M.A. sustained injuries on his head in the brutal attack that happened this morning on line 18, at the stop SC Eko in suburb Braca Jerkovic. This was a 21st attack on the controller this year which required police and ambulance intervention.
The controller asked the passenger, who didn't have a ticket, to leave the vehicle. Revolted, the man starting hitting the controller in the head while he was leaving. From the force of the impact, he fell down and he injured his head on the pavement. He started bleeding heavily. It was impossible to stop the bleeding until the ambulance arrived.
The driver of the bus, where the passenger was found without a ticket, pressed the panic button and he waited on the stop for the ambulance. The passengers were shocked with the situation and they gave full support to the controller.
The controller was transported to the Military Medical Academy, where all necessary diagnostic was performed and he was diagnosed with the broken nose bone.
The police looking through videos on security cameras from the bus and they are intensively searching for the perpetrator of this brutal attack.