Serbs are getting sick because of brandy: The reason is catastrophic, and it affects the construction workers the most!

Antimalarial prophylaxis should be taken one week before departure, then all the time in the malaria-infected area and one month after returning from the malarial area

In Serbia, 10 to 15 persons are registered annually that they got malaria, and besides migrants, those are Serbs who got infected with this most common tropical disease while they were in Africa, Asia, and South America, in the countries that are infected with malaria. Telegraf finds out, the construction workers are the ones who are the most infected because they go to work in these countries, they avoid taking prophylaxis, the antimalarial drug that protects them from this disease. The reason why they won't take it is tragic. 

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An infectious medical worker in Serbia, who wanted to remain anonymous, reveals to that workers going to the malaria-infected area will not drink prophylaxis because they can not drink rakija (brandy)!

- We have no sick citizens who got infected in Serbia, and that is the case for decades. We have imported cases of malaria, the patients who got infected why they were working in Asia, Africa, and other endemic malaria-infected areas. Most of the infected didn't take prophylaxis at all because they can't drink alcohol then - claims this medical worker for our portal.

Antimalarial prophylaxis should be taken one week before departure, then all the time in the malaria-infected area and one month after returning from the malarial area. 

Malaria, which was exterminated in 1964 in former Yugoslavia, confirmed by World Health Organisation (WHO) 10 years later, is transmitted by a female mosquito (anopheles). Serbia has this mosquito, but they don't have a parasite in it. In accordance with that, the WHO proclaimed this area susceptible to this ancient disease originating in Africa.

In the meantime, until our domestic malaria occurs, for decades only imported cases have been recorded in our country.

This disease is accompanied by fever, sweating, coughing, diarrhea, respiratory distress, headache, and hepatitis can occur, coagulation problems, shock, hepatic insufficiency, edema, or fluid collection in the lungs, coma, and death.

( / Lj. R.)