Croatian news reporter created a show once again: He read the offers for warplanes from 1945, because Croats live in that time anyway (VIDEO)

The Croatian journalist once again sarcastically commented on the acquisition of combat aircraft

Zoran Sprajc, a Croatian journalist, decided to comment, in his own way, to the opening of bids for new combat aircraft in Croatia.

Show of the Croatian TV host: He invited the politician NOBODY and talked to the empty chair in the studio (VIDEO)

- Bids were sent by 4 countries. Thus, the Soviet Union offers an escadrille of its best warriors, Jak-9. Jaks have proven themselves in all battlefields, flying at a speed of 600 km / h, they have a 20 mm gun. The price is affordable, but MORH will probably choose some manufacturer from the Western allies - he began. 

Then he switched to the Messerschmitt BF 109, an extremely modern hunting jet, the first with a mono-class cabin where the wheels can be drawn in.

- He is armed with two machine guns and one 20 mm cannon. They proved themselves in the Spanish civil war, and German fighter Erie Hartman won 352 air raids flying it. 'Das plane,' as some might say - he added.

The next one he mentioned was the "Spitfire Super Marine" bomber.

- It's one of the fastest planes in the world, flying at a speed of 750 km / h, built of light alloys, and its wings are covered with solid canvas. It is armed with four fixed machine guns and two fixed cannons of 20 mm, and can carry as many as two bombs under the wing - he continued.

The American offer is equally interesting, not only because of the offer but mostly because of America, Sprajc said, adding that the Americans offer the P-51 Mustang to the Croats, a fighter aircraft even faster than Spitfire.

- Mustang goes from 755 km/h to 2.700 km with great efforts. It is armed with 6 Browning machine guns, several missiles, and can carry around 450 kilograms of bombs. It is also the most expensive airplane in the offer, but Americans offer a tour of the White House, and the state top will surely like that - he added.

And then he made his point.

- I just got information that those are offers for the competition from 1945, but it doesn't matter, we still live in that time anyway, some Phantoms and Grippers of 500 million euros are for some modern states, and not for the country where we still discuss who were Ustashas and who were Germans, for the country where mayor beats his wife, deputy beats journalists and it doesn't matter, except for the people who are still running towards Bleiburg and further towards western allies, just like in '45 - concluded Sprajc.

Watch the video:

( / source: Index)