The Red Star fans are calling: The players drew their last bits of strength to return from the dressing room to celebrate! (VIDEO)
Exhausted players of Red Star couldn't wait to go to the dressing room to take off their gear, but they couldn't refuse the call of the fans
The football players of Red Star won against Cologne with 1:0 with the goal of Richmond Boakye, and they almost lost everything.
Torches and songs of Red Star fans on the streets of Cologne (VIDEO)
Confession of a Serb who works in Croatia, and the colleagues don't know where he is from: You can often hear "bombs will fall on Belgrade"
These Serb women were on the cover pages of "Playboy"! (PHOTOS)
Cologne struck three posts, Red Star was losing strength, Donald and Babic were ready to be replaced, but all three substitutions were already made.
In the end, many went to the dressing room, but they had to answer to Delije's (Red Star supporters) call.
Germans are not so easily defeated on their home field...
( / M.Maric)