She gave people 30 seconds to touch her vagina, but they had to look her in the eyes. And now, she walked through Rijeka entirely naked! (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

The nudity and binary numbers on the body have an interesting point

Swiss artist Milo Moire has walked around Rijeka completely naked during the opening of the museum, which was a performance and she wanted to point out the problem of sexual exploitation of women. 

Hot brunette Saska recorded the priest during sex and blackmailed him, she is a well-known politician and the champion in karate (PHOTO)

- I was surprised by a large number of people in Rijeka. They were kind and well behaved, they even escorted me to the museum - said the Swiss artist Milo Moire for

The artist, naked, lead the procession in Rijeka from old to the new building in Museum of modern and contemporary art, which was open on Friday.

- I wanted to show how much people see others through the prism of social networks, so I wrote binary codes on my body - explains Moir, who graduated from Psychology at the University of Zurich.

- After the university, I decided to continue with art. I see my performance as psychological experiments, I am interested to see how will people react - she explains.

She revealed that she is most proud of the performance where she wanted to point on the problem of sexual abuse of women.

- I gave people 30 seconds to touch my vagina, but they had to look at me in the eyes - Milo concluded.

Watch her performance:
