Unique visitor of Belgrade Port: A beautiful stork "got lost" and it amazed the passers-by! (PHOTO)
The bird enjoyed the walk and the and passersby in an unusual scene
Beautiful stork got lost yesterday during its flight and landed in Belgrade port to "take a walk".
While the confused bird watched the environment, it wasn't clear to it what was going on, and the passersby watched it with amazement, and one even took a picture and posted in on Twitter.
He asked "To whom can you report a stork who obviously got lost in Belgrade Port, free zone. The stork has a ring".
The birds ringing method is part of a research that is based on the individual marking of wild birds. All birds are immediately released after the ringing procedure at the place where they have been caught and their movement and behavior is monitored.
So the fact that the stork has a ring doesn't mean anything, but the finder could call some society for animal protection, but we have no doubts that the stork went further along its path after a short "walk".