Dusko Vujosevic conditions have worsened, he was urgently admitted to nephrology department!
Dule, hold on!
Celebrated basketball coach Dusko Vujosevic was urgently admitted to the hospital on Monday because of the sudden worsening state of his kidneys, Telegraf finds out.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Macedonia has responded on the urgent withdrawal of the entire Serbian post from Skopje
Liberland is asking for a miss from Serbia and they are paying 5.000 dollars. You have just a little time left!
He was settled on the Department of Nephrology at the Military Medical Academy where he was subjected to dialysis.
Let us recall that Vujosevic had to leave the bench of the national team of Bosnia and Herzegovina due to the gangrene that appeared on his toe on his foot and he urgently returned to Belgrade for treatment in the hyperbaric chamber, but his condition has further worsened.
The appearance of gangrene and kidney problems are the result of diabetes that Vujosevic has for years.