Croatia has problems with tourists: Local population is bothered by arrogant Englishmen
A status appeared on the official Facebook page of the city Novaje where tourists are being criticized, especially "barbaric and uncultured" Englishmen
Summer festival season on the popular beach Zrce in Novalja on Croatian coast has already begun, but it also brought first problems and the mayor of the place, Ante Dabo, is apologizing to the locals.
A status appeared on the official Facebook page of the city Novalje where tourists are being criticized, especially "barbaric and uncultured" Englishmen, reports Slobodna Dalmacija.
- Dear fellow citizens, passing the streets of our city these days, going around neighboring places, listening to experiences and adventures, and not to mention all of them, i have feelings of sadness, bitterness and responsibility as a mayor of the city which is defiled and humiliated by barbarism and non-culture, especially due to the significant part of the young guests from England - said Dabo.
- The very fact that the English guests have a lot of money for our standards, gives no right to us, nor to them, to behave this way which leaves local residents almost helpless before the bursts of primitivism, nakedness, drunkenness they show on the streets of our cities and apartments they rent and use in our city.
Despite the fact that we received significant police reinforcement from the Police Directorate, in spite of the employment of the 20 or so communal workers and a number of security used everybody, order and security in the city has been seriously endangered these days, reports B92.
- I ask as a mayor, can those young behave this wildly in their own country and go unpunished, or would they be strictly fined for this kind of behavior? - he wrote.
The mayor asks if "his majesty" euro can replace those fundamental values they inherited from their ancestors...
- Therefore i apologize to my fellow citizens as a mayor who are insulted by this kind of behavior and who are bitter on everything we meet daily on our streets. I can only promise that i will try to fight for dignity and reputation of our city, which has been seriously tainted, with all my might - writes Ante Dabo, mayor of Novalje, reports regional media.
( / Tanjug)