Mico Pantic is the LORD OF THE SNAKES, they have bitten him 300 times: He treats people in incredible way from snakebites, he even talks with the most dangerous ones (PHOTO)

Snake handler from Modran points out that snakes "talk to him", whether by day or night, when they have bitten someone and where

Mico Pantic (76) from Semberija village Modran is an extraordinary man. He, in fact, has been saving people's lives for 50 years, successfully treating them from snakebites. It has long been known for Mico in Semberija-Majevica region where there are many of these dangerous reptiles.

BOSNIAN ANACONDA: A snake appeared in front of people, when they saw that it is 3 meters long, their blood froze!

Two stings 

When they came to Pantic, they found SMilja Pekic from Tobut near Lopar. She said that she was bitten by snake while she was gathering hay. Smilja shows two dots on the hand left by snake teeth.

- I felt something heavy in my stomach and nausea. Luckily we have Mico who always helps us in these kinds of situations - said Pekic for the portal infobijeljina.com.

And while they waited for their five minutes to talk with Semberija tamer of the snakes, Mico gave Smilja a glass of red-pink liquid to drink. He said he can freely go home and that she will recover, writes infobiijeljina.com.

- Every 5 minutes somebody calls me. Its like there is an invasion of snakes. They call me and say that they found a snake inside the house or on doorstep.

Mico claims that he knows the "Animal language". He said that he got the knowledge and the power of recognition of snake bites from his uncle.

Snake handler from Modran points out that snakes "talk to him", whether by day or night, when they have bitten someone and where. He claims that he has "a deal with adders and yellow snakes", and, as Mico said, he was bitten over 300 times. 


Mico warns that death comes five minutes after the viper bites, but he is not afraid of those snakes. People often come at midnight for help. He said that it is important to act on time, after the snake bite there are two stings, one close to the other, less than one centimeter apart, and that yellow appears in between.

Most of people don't know it, says Mico, because two or three days after the bite there is nausea, and when coma occurs, they come to him. 

It is important to save life

- I appreciate the knowledge of the doctors, but i ask not to keep the patients. If they see that they can't help them, send them to me. I am asking nothing in return. It is important to save everybody's life - said Pantic, who makes antidotes from snake venom.
