The drunkest Croat ever: He was so smashed from alcohol that he persistently tried to unlock the wrong car! (VIDEO)
Incredible scene was recorded on a parking in Sisak
Very funny situation happened on a parking in Sisak where an older man was so drunk that he was trying to unlock a wrong car all the time.
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Boys who were passing by saw him and noticed his condition and they stopped to help him reach his vehicle, and they all recorded it and published it on the Facebook page "Podgoricki vremeplov".
On a question what car is he driving, the drunk man said "Renault", and the video shows him standing next to blue "Fiat", trying to unlock it.
Boys needed some time to convince the man to return to his "Citroen", and when he did, he barely managed to unlock it.
The funniest scene was when boys offered the man to have a drink together, and he said that "he doesn't drink".
Watch the video: