Song "Kosovo field" thunders throughout Russia: At the top of the charts, Russians in trance when they hear it (VIDEO)
Although he is attracted to heavy metal, many songs of legend of Russian rock are quite lyrical and remind of ballads. Song "Kosovo field" has been composed in that style, which Kipelov performed for the first time in 2014
The song "Kosovo Field" of Russian rockers Kipelov has been on the top of the music chart “Čartova dюžina” on the popular radio station "Nase Radio" (dedicated to Russian rock). Whats the secret of the song Kipelov has been singing for years on concerts?
Valerij Kipelov, legend of Russian hard rock, is a first singer of the group "Aria" and the founder of group "Kipelov".
Valerij is an Orthodox Christian, which he expressed in his creations. Although he is attracted to heavy metal, many songs of legend of Russian rock are quite lyrical and remind of ballads. Song "Kosovo field" has been composed in that style, which Kipelov performed for the first time in 2014.
Group "Kipelov" plans on releasing a new album on the fall. And the song "Kosovo Field" will be recorded for the first time in studio in high quality.
The text was written by a Russian cult rock poet Pushkin Margarita. She says that she had an idea for a long time to write a song about the Battle of Kosovo, but she could not realize it.
- Thoughts have been going through my mind for two or three years, i have chosen special words. I was impressed by the picture about the bloody battle in 1389. between Serbs and Ottoman Turks. In addition, I wanted to talk about distant times, make a bridge between the then events and the 1999 bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO and the fragmentation of this beautiful country. World history is a great manipulator who plays with our imagination. Everything is interconnected, everything derives from each other ... - said Pushkin.
She gathered the words about Serbian national tragedy, as she said, and she found the inspiration in the works of Serbian folklore.
In the program "Eight note" on the radio Russia, where studio version of the song was performed for the first time in April this year, Valerij Kipelov talked about how the melody appeared, also about the text of Margarita Pushkin:
- I was touched by the tragedy theme of the Slovenian nation. It was kind of an experiment. It has always been other way around with us, in fact: first appears the music, then our poet Margarita Anatoliyevna Pushkin writes lyrics with the music. Now the text was written first, and i liked it very much. I said it would be good to compose music with the text. Pushkin was delighted by the idea, but she began to compose the music with other author. I didn't like the result very much, so i composed my version - said Kipelov.
Everybody liked the Kipelov version. While creating the song, the musician was inspired with folk art, including the Cossack songs.
To those who heard the song on concert, he advises to pay attention to new tones. For example, there was a choir on the set, and thanks to them, the composition became "monumental", said the Russian rocker.
The song is dedicated to the events from 1389, but it is more famous now than ever, Valerij is convinced of it. He expressed the hope that new song will be able to unite Russians in these complex times.
- "Kosovo Field" is a monologue of the warrior dying on the battlefront. He predicts the future suffering of Serbian people on Kosovo, where he died for his faith "and he will one day bloom through red poppies". In the last strophe he is talking to his loved one: "We didn't get married my loved one. Be a bride to some other soldier". Kipelov said that the text consisted another fragment, where monologue of the mentioned girl reminds of the cry of Jaroslavne in the "Letters about Igor conquest", but it was abandoned.
"My field without end,
My blood-soaked field,
What the future holds I know-
Blasphemy and burned domes.
What the future holds I know -
Blasphemy and burned the dome.
I will not leave the holy land,
I'll come back to her as a fallen star,
I will fly over together with the wind like a shadow
Above the broken hearts of our army.
I will fly over together with the wind like a shadow
Above the broken hearts of our army. "
Listen to the song "Kosovo Field":
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