My everything, you are strong, hold on: Shocking status by sister of a girl who was shot at a gas station (PHOTO)
After the shooting, the robber ran away, and there is intensive search for him, while the unfortunate worker has been transferred with severe head injuries to the Emergency center
Police are still searching for the monster that shot in the head 19-year-old Kristina Kaplanovic at the gas station in the highway Belgrade - Nis, near "Lasta". Doctors are still struggling to keep Kristina alive, and her sister Marina gave her support with shocking status on her Facebook.
Chronology of gruesome murder of little Denis (3): The mother broke down and told everything
- My everything! You are strong, hold on! I am with you, my sis! I love you - said Marina Kaplanovic, Kristina's sister.
Kristina's family from village Vilovo near Nova Varos was not in the mood to give statements.
- Don't ask us anything, we don't know what happened to us - it was the only thing they could say.
Lets remind, Kristina Kaplanovic moved to Belgrade few months ago from Nova Varos. She started going to college in the capital city. Everybody is shocked in her birth place.
- She is a lovely and a hard working girl. She moved to Belgrade last summer. She entered the Higher School of Economics, but she wasn't on the budget, so she started working so she could school herself. While struggling to make any money, some villain comes and shoots her! That's horrible, i hope she survives - said the locals of Vilovo, where Kristina's family lives.