MIRACLE IN TRSIC: The house is heated by itself, the temperature climbs to 40 degrees on its own! Owners called experts!

- Everybody is amazed. No one has this kind of problem from the village Cotric, only us. Even neighbors are joking with me, saying we won't need firewood for winter - said the owner of the house

The temperature is rising above 40 degrees Celsius in the house of family Mitrovic from Trsic in the past month, even though they stopped using firewood. 

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They realized something something strange was going on when they felt heat on the tiles in the hallway, near the entrance doors, where is always warmer, and then the heat started appearing on the floor and other rooms. 

They don't understand how the house started heating itself, and they hope expert will give them an answer.


- At first we thought it was warm because of fire in the kitchen, but then one day we did not burn fire in a house and we could not sleep with the heat. I felt the heat flows out of the carpet beside the bed where I sleep and when I picked it up and felt the floor with my hand, I realized that something was happening - said the homeowner Milentije, really confused with what happened to him and his wife Radmila.

They told everything to their son, who lives in Loznica, so he brought a device to measure temperature, and when he pressed it against the wall, it showed 36 degrees, even though it was 11 outside.

We put a wet sock on that place and it was completely dry after few hour. Path, near the foundation of the house, dries up few minutes after the rain. The heat from the bedroom moved to the kitchen and there is heat as well in some place. Rest of the house seems normal - explains Radmila.

Stunned with the sight no one has ever seen in this area, they went to the city council for help, and construction inspectors suggested to monitor the situation of the temperature in the house, and then the experts from Institute of Geodesy in Belgrade will have to give their opinion.

- Everybody is amazed. No one has this kind of problem from the village Cotric, only us. Even neighbors are joking with me, saying we won't need firewood for winter.

- I also make jokes but i am still worried. I keep the window and the door on the room open the entire night, to make a draft, but i am afraid that some animal might come in, a snake or a frog. If the temperature continues to rise, because it was 36 yesterday and its almost 42 today in some places, i expect the eviction notice.

- How can we leave the house which we renovated five years ago, i don't know. It could be thermal water, maybe its temporary, i hope it will stop. I hope there won't be a volcano - said the owner.

Mitrovic family can only wait and to hope that the "free heating" will go away as it appeared, but they are clearly worried and neighbors can see that who come to see the strange energy radiating from the concrete you can walk on without your socks.

(Telegraf.co.uk / Blic / photo: Ilustracija)