Are the festivals in Serbia in danger because of the terrorist attacks: Some may be shut down!
- From now on, no gathering will be held with previous inspection and good analysis, as well as good security - said Momir Stojanovic
After the latest terrorist attack on the concert of singer Ariana Grande in Manchester Arena, world publish is additionally fearing what could happen next, and the home audience is not immune to the events and the possibility that something like that could happen here. Fortunately, the events in Europe did not reflect on the ticket sales, but they demanded higher risk assessment and increased measures of safety. This time, there is a possibility that some of the traditional festivals will be taken down from calendar.
According to the former director of a VD Momir Stojanovic, Serbia is not a potential target because we are not directly related to the fight against ISIS, but as a state we will take all terrorist attacks in the work seriously and we will take precautions.
- Of course, security will be increased on festivals and concerts in Serbia, especially now that the attacks became continuous. From now on, no gathering will be held with previous inspection and good analysis, as well as good security.
- Some gatherings may be erased, the organization of the event won't take place.
On our question what will happen to Guca, he answered:
- I don't know precisely what will happen to Guca - said Stojanovic.

Safety must be at the highest level and to act preventatively in every way, says the director of the Agency for Security "Super Glass" Nikola Drecun.
The state, he says, took developments seriously, bringing the Act on security on 1 January 2017, which began to be valid, which provides that every officer in the agency must be licensed person and that the agency has a person who will come out on field to do a risk assessment.
- It would be desirable for the security to be at the top level because, what is happening in the past few years is just a hint of something bad. We have a person for risk assessment who first goes to the field, and after we set up security. For every event they call us, we will do serious analysis before we decide what will we do - said Drecun.
The Center for Cultural Festival organized by the Municipality Dragacevo says they have received no information about a possible cancellation.
- We heard about the terrorist attacks that took place, but we are not even thinking about it, nor did we get any information that Dragacevo could be canceled. Thus, the gathering will be held on schedule and the program will be from 9 to 13 May this year - said the Director KC Festival Natasa Majstorovic.
( / Sladjana Vasic –