I want death, i am sick of life: Gala (child-butterfly) wrote a shocking poem. Now her mother is sick with cancer as well

Gala wrote a shocking poem on the 11 May, the anniversary of the death of a little boy, Aleksa Jankovic, and she got everybody worried, especially her mother

Gala Savic (13) suffered violence from a group of peers because of the incurable disease she has, and now, from the principal of school, Nenad Mirkov as well.

This kind of doctor is rare in Serbia: Ivan collects and sells waste to buy medical equipment for hospital!

Gala wrote a shocking poem on the 11 May, the anniversary of the death of a little boy, Aleksa Jankovic, and she worried everybody, especially her mother.

This is the poem:

"I am climbing the mountain, i want to jump,

I am approaching the top, i want to kill myself

I want death, i am sick of life,

however, my hand is shaking.

What now? I am one step away from destiny,

but again...

I feel my fear growing.

At the end, i wanted to turn,

but in wain, to trip,

Fall, i wonder where?

then, i look at the gray sky

covered in blood, realizing i am alive,

lying, disappointed."

Gala is suffering from epidermolysis bullosa, a rare disease from which the skin peels off and wound are created at the slightest touch. Children who suffer from this disease are called children-butterflies.

This disease was the reason few girls who are going with her to school "Ivan Goran Kovacic" initiated a petition to eject her from the school.

- After my appearance on television, where i told everything about the violence Gala is suffering, the school principal stops answering us, he turns his head away from Gala when he meets her at the school hall, he is not informing her about the competition she applied to. principal is now leading a personal war and he turns the parents against us claiming that the school did everything by the protocol, and the reports of the inspections are arriving, denying it - said Gala's mom for Srpski Telegraf, Djordjija Aksentijevic.

Her mother said that six children dropped out of the class, and that she suffered from cancer due to the stress she is going through.

- I don't want to prove that the institutions are not working, on the contrary, i am hoping they will react and do everything needed in their power. It is not politics, it is a child in the name of Gog - concludes Djordjija.

Principal of the school claims that Gala mother statement's are not true, and that the school is doing everything in their power and when Gala wrote the letter, they immediately called the mother for a meeting.

- As soon as we saw the poem, pedagogue called the mother. She was mad because she claims we are doing noting but we are doing everything we can. There were no incidents in the past six months, i will check what it is about - said Nenad Mirkov, principal of the school "Ivan Goran Kovacic".
