They sent photos for the prize trip to the Croatian islands, and they did not see the insolence behind the pillar (PHOTO)
Is it yoga practice in the shade or perhaps some other pastime?
Association "Rhythm of Culture" on their Faceboook page published creative competition and the contest for a trip to Croatian islands and archipelago.
As they pointed out, all it takes is to publish or to like the photos and you will win a dream vacation, organized by the agency Zadar Archipelago.
Photos of Kornat started appearing on the page that really take your breath away.
But, it seems that someone did not look at all the photos because there is one where it seems that there are two people, without a doubt a man and a woman.
Were they having fun with some activities that are hard to explain, but in any case, they tickle the imagination - is it yoga practice in the shade or perhaps some other pastime?