Ustashas would love if no one ever saw them: Photos of liberation of Zagreb everybody should see (PHOTO)

Photos that return to Zagreb at the end of World War II, show ghostly empty streets, Ustashas and Chetniks retreating and partisan units entering liberated Zagreb

Many photos were made during May 1945 and people of Zagreb and partisan fighters gifted to Croatian Historical Museum or kept them in their private archives. Many of them were gathered and presented these days in the exhibition in Zagreb City Administration.

Red Square was shaking, Putin's words from the parade echoed the world: Never forget our fathers and forefathers (VIDEO)

Seventy years ago, on 8 May 1945, at 11 hours and 12 minutes, a partisan commander Jure Devcic, urged citizens over Radio Station Zagreb to "stay in their homes and welcome the liberators." 

Many photos were made during May 1945 and people of Zagreb and Partisan fighters gifted to Croatian Historical Museum or kept them in their private archives. Many of them were gathered and presented these days in the exhibition in Zagreb City Administration. Photos that return to Zagreb at the end of World War II, show ghostly empty streets, Ustashas and Chetniks retreating and Partisan units entering liberated Zagreb.

The exhibition "Liberation of Zagreb" brings numerous photographs of Zagreb citizens who greeted partisans on the streets, but also of national joy that followed after the capitulation of the Ustasha regime. 

Zagreb with nearby vicinity had around 300.000 citizens at the start of war. Every sixth, of 50.000 of them participated in the National Liberation War. Around 20.000 of them died in fight, prisons or camps.

89 people from Zagreb were declared national Heores. 600 people of Zagreb were the carriers of partisan memorial in 1941.

By presenting the Order of the National Hero to the City on 16 September 1975, the President of Yugoslavia, Josip Broz Tito, who was also one of the main carriers of the revolutionary movement of this city, said:

- The Order of National Heroes that i am giving to Zagreb symbolizes the recognition to all users of the revolutionary events, to everybody who contributed to our victory and helped building socialism, especially those who bravely and selflessly gave their lives in combat. 

Watch the video:
