Zaev: I'll get a mandate to form new government

Zaev, after talks with US official Hoyt Brian Yi, said that Macedonian President Djordje Ivanov will assign him the mandate to form new government

New president of Sobranie (Parliament) was chosen legally and legitimately, in accordance with the Rules, the constitution and the Law, said the president of the opposition SDSM Zoran Zaev yesterday and announced that the next step would be formation of a new reformist government in Macedonia

RIOTS IN MACEDONIA: Chaos on the streets is not stopping, 50.000 people in front of Sobranie, 45 injured (PHOTO) (VIDEO)

Zaev, after talks with US official Hoyt Brian Yi, said that Macedonian President Djordje Ivanov will assign him with the act that will confirm there is parliamentary majority in Sobranie and that he will assign him the mandate to form new government.

- There is a new reformist government program that guarantees the unity of the state, respect for the Constitution, the Euro-Atlantic perspective of Macedonia, although that is already clear in domestic and international public - Zaev said, quoted by Macedonian media.

SDSM leader said that the new government will be ready to cooperate with the opposition in the interest of future reforms.

- But at this point it is important that VMRO-DPMNE accepts that they are opposition, in order to stop the tension - said Zaev.

At the meeting, Yi and Zaev jointly condemned the violence in parliament and indicated that it is now necessary to ensure a smooth transfer of authority.

( / Tanjug)