Albanians wanted to burn all Serbian churches on Kosovo: KFOR discovered the infernal plan of the extremists

General threat came from Islamic Extremists, and the targets were Orthodox and Catholic churches during Easter holidays - said the American Colonel

The commander of the Multinational Brigade East in KFOR, US Colonel Corvin Lask said that there was a danger during last week's Easter holiday on religious manifestations held during Christian holiday, which was celebrated on the same day by Orthodox and Catholics.

Vucic responded on the threats of Rama and Thaci on unification of Kosovo and Albania

General threat came from Islamic Extremists, and the targets were Orthodox and Catholic churches during Easter holidays - said Lask while he was a guest in the show "Slobodno Sprksi".

Nevertheless, the American colonel said that people in Kosovo do not have much reason to worry about their safety, because Kosovo, compared with other countries of the world, is very safe, he said.

- I think that Kosovo is really safe thanks to great effort and work of, not only Kfor, but also Kosovo institutions... Also i would worry about my safety, but i wouldn't be too worried. Compared to the other countries of the world, Kosovo is really safe - said Lask.

According to his words, KFOR has a really good cooperation with Serbian Military. 

- Cooperation was established based on Resolution 1244, as military technical agreement and some other additional agreements that enable the cooperation between Kfor and Serbian Army. I cooperated with Serbian military and since i arrived here in November, they showed themselves to be great partners when it comes to securing security along the administrative line. They are highly professional and it is a great pleasure working with them - said the American officer.

Lask things that decision of transformation of Kosovo Security forces into Kosovo Armed forces, should be made by citizens and Kosovo institutions, that the question is not upon KFOR or NATO.

He said that transformation of Security forces into Kosovo Army would not affect KFOR mission. According to him, The question if Kfor will remain on Kosovo or return home is based if weather if Kosovo is save or not, and not of the forming of Kosovo Armed Forces.

For Lask, it wouldn't be strange if there were two military formations on Kosovo, KFOR and Kosovo Armed Forces, with two separate commands.

Colonel Corvin Lask, commander of the american soldiers in the Bondstil base, said that there are more than 500 soldiers stationed in Kosovo.

( / Tanjug)