Awake brain surgery on a man from Belgrade: First surgery like this in Serbia after 20 years!
- Today is Saturday. I am in a clinic for neurosurgery and i know today is the marathon - those were the words of the patient upon waking
A very complicated surgery was done on the patient J.N. (41) from Belgrade on a clinic for neurosurgery while he was awake. This was the first procedure after 20 years in this facility without total anesthesia, reports Vecernje novosti.
The surgery was performed by Dr Dragan Savic. The procedure lasted around four hours. Due to the difficulty of the surgery itself, the doctors so far don't give any forecasts, but the patient is stable.
- Today is Saturday. I am in a clinic for neurosurgery and i know today is the marathon - those were the words of the patient upon waking.
When the doctors reached the tumor they saw that it is extremely big and that it went deep into the structures of the brain. What made this surgery extremely difficult is that the doctors had to remove the sick tissue one millimeter at the time.
During the procedure and upon its completion, it was noticed that the patient has difficulties with speech and with moving of right arm and leg.
- We hope that his ability to speak and his movement in his right arm and leg will return in a month, no later than six months, so we are hoping it is post traumatic trauma - said Dr Savic when he completed the surgery.
Removing the tumor in the brain, while patient is awake is done when tumor has expanded to the areas that are governing speech and movement of the legs and arms.
Awake brain surgery actually has great advantages for the patient and the surgery. During procedure the surgeon can communicate with those he operates on and the possibility of permanent damage of the speech and movement centers can be reduced to minimum, and that can't be controlled when the patient is under full narcosis.
- With very mild anesthesia patients are anesthetized. He sleeps while we are slashing the skin, opening the head bone and slashing brain membrane - explained Dr. Savic.
- When the surgery moves to the brain itself, the patient is awake. There are no painful sensations for him in that situation because brain has no nerve endings for pain. Then we remove the tumor and we monitor how the patient reacts - adds Dr. Savic.
( / Vecernje novosti)