Luka (20) found 6.200 euros: He returned everything and when they offered him a reward, he turned out to be totally cool! (PHOTO)

Luka's move amazed everybody, and many were speechless when they realized how many good and honest people there are - which is really rare in today's time

Luka Stankovic from Mladenovac, who found a wallet with 6.200 euros (6.000 euros and 24.000 dinars) near a bus stop at Mladenovac municipality, said that he didn't think for a second to take it for himself, but he went to the police and reported what happened.

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Luka was with his friends at the moment, Nikola Janicijevic and Nemanja Zivanovic, who also supported the friend to return the wallet to who has lost it.

The police soon found the unlucky man who lost the money thanks to the personal ID which was in the wallet. The man who lost the money has borrowed it in the first place, to set up a cold storage he was building at home.

The man offered Luka a reward, and then Luka was totally cool - he didn't want to take the money! 

His move amazed everybody, and many were speechless when they realized how many good and honest people there are - which is really rare in today's time.

Luka is 20 and he is living in Mladenovac. He is working as a car mechanic, and he told the sequence of events to Telegraf:

- I was with two friends when i found the money. It was literally lying on the ground. It is something indescribable, i didn't think for a moment to keep the money, because you never know what the man borrowed it for, sold something, maybe even took the money from the end of the shift from a company. I immediately wanted to return everything. The man was overjoyed, he could not believe what happened after everything that occurred to him. We became super friends and my dignity remained clean - said this humble, lovely young man who set a fine example.

Well done Luka, Serbia has someone to be proud of!
