I am asking the EU, USA, Great Britain, how long will they be quiet: Dacic about Edi Rama statement

I am asking international community, what would have happened if (Aleksandar) Vucic said that Serbia and Republika Srpska union is possible if we did not enter the EU? I am sure that everybody would accuse Serbia of endangering Peace - said Dacic

The statement of Albanian prime minister Edi Rama about unification of Albania and Kosovo, which is another confirmation of creation of Great Albania, is a common platform of all Albanians, which presents the greatest threat for peace and stability of Balkan and Europe, marked First Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic.

The most hated man in Serbia: I warned you not to provoke us

- I am asking international community, what would have happened if (Aleksandar) Vucic said that Serbia and Republika Srpska union is possible if we did not enter the EU? I am sure that everybody would accuse Serbia of endangering Peace - said Dacic.

- Therefore i am asking EU, USA, Great Britain and the rest, how long will they keep quiet while someone is endangering Serbia? Or is silence the sign of approval - reported from a written statement of the head of Serbian diplomacy Ivica Dacic.

Prime minister of Albania announced that: "if the perspective for membership of Western Balkans in EU continues to fade, unification of Albania and Kosovo can not be excluded".

Rama, in the interview for Brussels Politiko, said that "some Albanian nationalists wan't to see Albania united with Kosovo".

Noting that it wasn't his with, Rama mentioned that the option is possible "if the EU doors are closed", so he pointed the only way to preserve peace and cooperation on Balkans is European perspective, to remain clear and that emotions towards the Union remain positive.

(Telegraf.co.uk / Tanjug)