Have you ever been to Vrsac? View from this place doesn't exist in Hollywood (VIDEO)
There are 29.843 adult residents of Vrsac
Vrsac is one of the oldest cities of Banat, located on the south east part of Pannonian Basin, under Vrsac mountains. According to the census from 2011, there have been 36.040 residents. This makes Vrsac second biggest city in the country and the largest city in Vojvodina without the status of a county seat.
Belgrade is the first on the list of destinations that should be disclosed in 2017
Wind blows on average 120 kilometers per hour, and people are used to it. There is hardly any day in a year without wind, and the most common ones are from south east.
This city has a significant historical past with monuments from prehistory to the present time.. Numerous characteristic buildings from XVIII and XIX century, City house, old pharmacy (1783), baroque building "Two Guns", the house where Jovan Sterija Popovic was born and where he died, Vladika castle, churches (Roman Catholic Church of St. Gerhard of Sagredo is the largest Roman Catholic church in Serbia, and was the second largest in Yugoslavia, immediately after the Zagreb Cathedral).
It was built in 1863 and has a functioning organ which regularly hosts concerts.
Chapel St. The Cross is the oldest Roman Catholic church in Banat, whose construction was started in 1720 by settlers. Orthodox church of the Holy Father Nicholas was built in 1785 and was then the largest Serbian Orthodox church north of the Sava and Danube rivers. Vrsac city park with monuments, National Museum (founded in 1882 - the oldest museum in Vojvodina), and the main feature of the city Vrsac is Castle, on Vrsac hill from the early Middle Ages, a symbol of the city and the oldest castle in Vojvodina.
All this is worth mentioning, especially Mesic Monastery of the seventeenth century. The father of Serbian drama was born in this city, Jovan Sterija Popovic and painter Paja Jovanovic. The city has a professional theater. Autumn Theater Festival and the International Folklore Festival are held in Vrsac.
The best known and most awarded women's basketball club Hemofarm won country six champion titles. There are 29.843 adult residents of Vrsac. These villages belong to the Vrsac municipality: Vatin, Mali Zam, Veliko Srediste, Gudurica, Markovac, Mesic, Pavlis, Socica, Jablanka, Vlajkovac, Ritisevo, Kustilj, Uljma, Izbiste, Vojvodinci, Potporanj, Straza, Malo Srediste, Susara, Oresac and Zagajica.
You will fall in love with this city, just like we did: