The CRAZIEST parking in Belgrade: Instead of garage, he ended up on stairs (PHOTO)

Whatever the reason, we leave you to think how the driver managed to pull out this maneuver

Life in the capital can be full of surprises and unpredictable situations, and people who were close to Vuk monument could see that for themselves.

Unusual adventure of two men from Becej: Ninoslav and Djordje are going on a 20.000 kilometer trip to MONGOLIA in a "Yugo"! (PHOTO)

Right there, at the entrance of underground passageway and Beotrain station, one driver managed to push his four wheels.

The reason for this crazy driving is unknown, but the witnesses were sure it must have been some bet, searching for underground garage or making of a TV commercial or a movie.

Of course, there were mentions that a woman was driving, and the photos rejected that.

Whatever the reason, we leave you to think how the driver managed to pull out this maneuver.

Take a look at the photos.
